The New Talent Alliance (NTA) will engage with all stakeholders across the sector to raise awareness of the NTA initiative and help promote careers in advice to new talent.
If the sector is to attract more talent it means competing for attention with other career opportunities, and we must acknowledge that we’re probably starting from a position of relatively low awareness and low appeal compared to other sectors.
The New Talent Alliance aims to:
- Outline the sector’s challenge around reducing trends in adviser numbers.
- Show a united front and demonstrate why the sector should join forces.
- Encourage competition and diversity of choice for consumers in financial advice.
- Promote professional integrity from all sector stakeholders.
- Promote professional advocacy for careers in the advice sector.
- Promote different career paths and options for new talent, not just the financial adviser role.
- Outline the opportunity and benefits of creating a more sustainable and diverse advice sector for the future.
- Signpost to other sector initiatives that complement and support new talent joining the profession.